Career Orientation

What do you want to be when you grow up?

OrFA is instilling this question with our orphans so they can start to think about their future. There are several positive benefits if a child can focus on their goals and aspirations. It is usually connected with a healthy mindset and a sense of hope, which makes it possible for a child to dream big and imagine their future.

During OrFA’s ‘Career Orientation Event’ in Vietnam, the children learned firsthand about a variety of occupations, including marketing, education, cooking, bartending, media production, skin/beauty care and wellness. The children and mentors had a great time and learned more about one another. According to one mentor, “With this activity, I was able to speak with mentees whom I had not engaged with before and learned more about each of their personalities.”

OrFA will continue to push our children to dream big for their future with the help of our donors, volunteers and team members across the world!